The Bombay Textile Research Association
BTRA Scan – Vol. LIII No.3, July 2024, Page no. 5-8
Heat losses, Fuel consumption, steam wastage, textile processing, Hot surface, Heat recovery, Effluent, DO sensor, Air
blower, ETP etc
By conducting the third party energy audit, the potential energy saving activities or opportunities can be highlighted depending upon plant situation and commercial feasibility. This paper describes some of the illustrative examples along with saving quantifications and those are implementable in a textile process house. These cases consists of covering the open bath to avoid the steam or energy loss due to evaporation, automation of temperature controller and heating system, avoiding heat losses from hot machine surfaces, recovery of heat from waste hot effluent drains, avoiding overheating of the fabric, optimizing air blower working in Effluent treatment plant (ETP) as per requirement etc. Apart from these examples, there are so many other opportunities for energy saving in a textile process house. For this a neutral third party auditing approach is required.