The Bombay Textile
Research Association

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The Bomby Textile
Research Association

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BTRA has undertaken many projects sponsored by various agencies. The names of these agencies are given below in alphabetical order.
Appropriate Automation Promotion Programme (AAPP)
Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy
Bureau of Indian Standards
Central Water Commission
Commission for Additional Sources of Energy
Department for Non-conventional Energy Sources, Government of India
Department of Electronics, Government of India
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
Department of Sericulture, Karnataka State
Development Commissioner for Handlooms, Government of India
Electronics Research and Development Centre (ERDC)
Extramural Research Division, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Handloom Development Commission (HDC)
Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) Ltd.
Indian Petrochemicals Ltd., (IPCL)
Indian Rare Earths Limited IREL (India) Limited, Govt. of India Undertaking – (IREL), Department of Atomic Energy
International Development Research Centre, IDRC
Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India
Ministry of Textiles, Government of India
Ministry of Textiles, Government of India (Special Jute Fund)
National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD)
Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA)
PL-480, USDA
Powerloom Development and Export Promotion Council (PDEXCIL)
Silk Export Promotion Council
Star Holdings & Electronics Research Pvt. Ltd.
Tata Energy Research Institute
University Grants Commission

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