The Bombay Textile
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BTRA Published Journals


BTRA has a fairly extensive library with over 20000 holding. These include books, periodicals (foreign & Indian) related to textile & allied subjects.
BTRA publishes technical reports, survey reports, various norms, book of papers of various Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops conducted by BTRA.
Library publishes BTRA Scan on a quarterly basis.
BTRA has been permitted to use ISBN by the National Agency for ISBN.

By referring publication codes/titles, one can request us for an INVOICE using the FEEDBACK form.


Peer Reviewed Journals

PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS PAPERS PUBLISHED IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS Staff Name Title Journal Name Dhara Shukla, Archana Gangwar, Dr. Padma S. Vankar Natural Dyes in Combination:

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Non-Peer Reviewed Journals

NON-PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NON-PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS Staff Name Title Journal Name Dr. Padma S. Vankar The Versatility, Compatibility and Sustainability with Rare earth

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BTRA Papers in Conference

BTRA PAPERS IN CONFERENCE PAPERS PRESENTED / PUBLISHED IN PRESTIGEOUS CONFERENCES Staff Name Subject Occasion/Venue/Date Dr. Prasanta K. Panda Optimization of Exhaust Dyeing of Meta

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PATENTS Subject Patent No. Method and System for Manufacturing Multi-functional Cotton Fabrics  WO/2015/177806 & PCT/IN2014/000737 (Overseas Patents) Use of conductive fabric at transducer in gas

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