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BTRA Scan Articles - January 2023

Sustainable Natural Dyeing of Garments with Rare Earth Salts

Afreen Begum & Padma Shree Vankar
Sustainable Garment dyeing using natural dyes have been attained by augmenting with rare earth salts as mordants replacing the conventional mordants. This could be achieved using different dyeing techniques. Apart from Exhaust dyeing, Foam dyeing and Spray dyeing techniques were attempted. All the garment dyeing techniques yielded even dyeing and good fastness properties.

Quality Assurance in Apparel Industry

Shreyasi Nandy & T V Sreekumar
This article is about the evaluation of the quality and testing methods used in the apparel industry. Testing is the key to continued improvement of products and get an idea of how to improve performance in the future. Physical as well as chemical testing is performed on fabrics for quality assurance and identification.Several quality parameters and testing methods are described in this article starting from physicomechanical properties such as yarn count, GSM of fabric, tensile strength, strain, modulus, comfort properties such as moisture management, wicking, fastness, etc.

Fabric Inspection in Folding: Current Scenario in India

Vijay Gawde
Over the years, our fabric manufacturers have geared up their manufacturing process to meet global export as well as domestic quality standards. To meet the required quality standards, various quality control parameters have been followed at various stages of manufacturing right from raw material selection, in-process quality control, on-machine inspection, etc. Even after controlling those quality control parameters, there are chances of the appearance of defects in the fabric which decided the quality of the final products.

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